New Business Ventures
You finally decided to invest in yourself and kick-start your business.
Congratulations! Not only did you choose to start this journey towards entrepreneurship and financial freedom, but you chose one of the best methods to do it: dropshipping!
If you’re new to the world of business owning, you’ll soon discover that it isn’t an easy game to play. When starting a business, the goal is to make sure your company has a place in the market for longevity. In other words, you want your business to be successful!
Success always comes with a little bit of sacrifice and dedication. This dedication can include, creating a business plan, developing a marketing strategy, financing your company and, of course, developing your product or service. It can become overwhelming because you have a lot of ground to cover.
Once you have an understanding of what you will be getting yourself into, dropshipping can relieve much of the stress that comes with operating your business.

Why Start Dropshipping?
Let’s first have a solid understanding of what it means to “dropship.”
Dropshipping is a business fulfillment model where an online retailer uses a wholesale manufacturer to ship the products directly to the customer.
Dropshipping isn’t some new foreign concept; in fact, companies like Amazon use drop shipping companies to fulfill many of their orders. With the popularity of E-commerce increasing by at least 17% every year in the United States, it’s projected that the demand for dropshipping as a fulfillment model will continue to grow as well. You chose the best time to get in on this market!
Not only does drop shipping benefit suppliers, but the benefits for merchants aren’t too bad either:
Low-risk business
With drop shipping, you only pay for the goods sold to customers.
Many people like to buy their inventory in bulk to get the wholesale price. With Dropship Bundles, you won’t have to purchase the stock in bulk. We marked our prices at the wholesale prices we provide from Private Label Extensions.
The cost of goods is generally rather small since many companies outsource the products you will be selling. With low product costs, you can price your products at retail value and run a profitable business.
Also, since you don’t have to carry any inventory, you can focus your attention on promoting your products right away.
Effortless to start
With Dropship Bundles, you’ll be able to start selling the same day you sign up.
If you purchase a website, they already come preloaded with all of the products we offer (bundles, wigs, edge control, bundle deals, etc.).
When we complete your website development, you can make any changes you’d like to your site!
Easy to operate
With our Dropship Beauty App, you can import our products on Shopify to your online store in only a few clicks. You can also process your orders in a few simple clicks too.

Tips for New Dropshippers
Now that you know how easy it is to get started, don’t let doubt creep in!
Many times we see a fantastic opportunity ready for the taking, but we will find any reason possible not to get started strictly out of fear. We do not want that to happen with you!
At Dropship Bundles, we value your success and want to provide every resource possible to help. Remember that the top companies didn’t get to where they are without realizing the risks.
There will still be times when you are frustrated, but change doesn’t come without a few new actions:

Avoid Overthinking
New drop shippers tend to get caught up in trying to sell the “perfect” product that they end up never launching any products at all.
They ultimately give up before they even get started. Take the journey step by step, and always do your research. The products you choose for your store should be the ones that are most requested by your customers.
Afterward, you can focus on bringing other products as you begin to make a profit off of what you are selling. You may not make a sale immediately.
But it’s essential to make the process of developing your business as a learning experience.
Build Your Email List ASAP
People, especially drop shippers, tend to underestimate the importance of building an email list.
Did you know more than 70% of people that click on your website link may not even come back? Not every website visitor is going to make a purchase right away, but it’s important to note that your visitors are a valuable piece of the puzzle. They took the time to check out your website.
Even if it’s just for a minute, if they have no reason to keep exploring, then they won’t. Emails get sent directly to the inbox, which means your prospects may come across it.
Consistency is crucial and can end up bringing real traffic and revenue to your site!
Competitive Prices Are Not Enough
Cutting your prices may seem like an excellent route to go to make sales, but you could be setting yourself up for failure.
It is not to say that you shouldn’t charge better prices than your competitors. We are indicating that your rates shouldn’t be the determining factor for a customer choosing your products over another. Focus on your target market and what they are interested in seeing.
Most people would rather pay for quality and excellent customer service than the cheaper and less appealing competitors.
Always sell value, not a more affordable price range.

Dropshipping for the Win
Dropshipping is going to be around for a very long time.
What we love the most about dropshipping is how easy it is to see what works for your online store and what doesn’t.
If an item doesn’t seem to sell as much as others, you can remove it from your website. You avoid significant losses, you can learn from your mistakes, and you can learn from the business itself!
You can make money in the process, and you will also discover many things about yourself, you hadn’t paid attention to before. You might find that you are a beast at marketing or that it is time to rebrand your website.
Either way, you are the boss!